Taste of Heaven

“The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less. " - 2 Corinthians 5:5

Out this evening enjoying the glorious sunset in Daphne. It was so beautiful that I decided to share via Facebook live with friends and followers. While sharing, I said that if earth was this beautiful, just imagine how incredible Heaven must be. Can you just imagine?! My friend, Rick, reminded me that this is just a "taste of heaven". It is, indeed! I wondered if this is all we can grasp about heaven with our human minds and imaginations. I love imagining what it must be like in our eternal home. If you’ve never read the book by Randy Alcorn, “Heaven”, I highly recommend it. It is an easy read, but it Is a great descriptive work with biblical references about Heaven. Always take time to ponder the wonder, Friends. As beautiful as it is, the world is not our home!

The Rest of the Story

Recently a precious friend asked if I just sat in one place all of the time to capture the images of the birds I photograph. I wish! Although, I do sit... and watch when I have the opportunity. I thought it was interesting that she asked, because I had just had a photographer friend suggest that I record “the story” of my captures— HOW did I get the shot, WHAT was I doing when I SAW it, WHERE I was, etc. They suggested that it would add a dimension to experiencing my images.

I like that. If you know me, you know that I love sharing my heart— and my images. So, I think I’ll begin to record the rest of the story, the behind-the-scenes thoughts, feelings, adventures. If for no one else, it will be good for me to recount my adventures. They fill my cup.

Stay tuned.

Here. We. Go.....

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. --Proverbs 16:3

It seemed natural. I love the outdoors. I love the wonders of God's creation. 

I thought how blessed I am to be able to see these things, and I wanted to share them. I didn't have a clue what to do with a camera. But, I wanted to try. Thankfully, the Lord put several people in my life who were so gracious to help me learn. They gave me advice, critique, guidance, and encouragement. They know who they are, and I want to take this opportunity to say, "thank you" to them. You taught me to learn, to take risks, to dream, and to learn more. I am continually learning and dreaming because you modeled that for me.

Then, there are these incredible people that I share life with--- my family. They are so loving, encouraging, and supportive! They are also incredibly patient! :) And, my friends--- You all have shared your kind comments and words that spurred me on in this journey.

Most of all, I am thankful to my Lord Jesus for every opportunity that He puts in my way. I am thankful for every good and perfect and magnificent gift that He shares with me. I pray to honor Him in all I say, do, and photograph.

So, on this evening when I am launching my new website, I wanted to begin by thanking you all and asking for your prayers as I continue! Thank you! Bless you!
